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This is a paragraph! Here's how you make a link: Neocities.
Here's how you can make bold and italic text.
Here's how you can add an image:
Units of the Computer Programming Course
- Unit 1 Introductory Skills
- Unit 2 Life after high school/Impact of technology
- Unit 3 Programming Portfolio
- Unit 4 Group Project
- Unit 5 Impact of Technology
- Unit 6 Group Project
- Unit 7 Individual Portfolio
- Culminating Project and Exam
To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!
- Create a website on neocities.org
- There should be an index page and a unit 1 page
- Index should have h1 heading, a link to unit 1 page
- Unit 1 page should includ definitions and examples of:
- computer coordinate system - the top left is (0,0). As you go right the x value gets bigger, as you go down the y value gets bigger.
- conditionals - Something that only accures when a condition is met.
- events - Something outside of the code the program knows how to respond to.
- functions - Allows you to run code using the name of the function.
- functions and parameters - Parameter is the information given to the function so it can work.
- loop - Is a sequences of instructions repeated a set number of times.
- objects - An object is affected my the function.
- properties - values associated with an object.
- syntax - Syntax is the grammer of code.
- variables - Are ways to store data so you can use it later, every variable has a name and a value.